
Obj Model Loader

A function which loads a 3D model stored in the obj format
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####Introduction#### I'm putting this function here because I know a lot of people are not interested in learning how write their own obj model parser. This function will do it for you. ####About the LoadObjModel() Function#### The LoadObjModel() function will load in a 3d model stored in the .obj format, along with it's material library (.mtl) if present. Here's a list of the specific features of this function: 1. Read geometry information from .obj file 2. Read material information from .mtl file 3. Retriangulate faces with more than 3 sides 4. Optionally compute vertex normals and tangents (tangents are only computed if normals are too) 5. Compute AABB, model's center, and Bounding Sphere 6. Store information into 3 structures, the ObjModel structure, the SurfaceMaterial structure, and the TextureManager structure. The ObjModel structure stores the entire model's geometry into a vertex and index buffer. The number of subsets, their start indexes and their material id's. It also stores the models world matrix and two arrays, one for the index list, and one for the vertex positions list, in case the models vertices need to be read for reasons such as collision. Last, it stores the model's center, AABB, and bounding sphere. The SurfaceMaterial structure stores information about the surface. It stores id's for the diffuse, ambient, specular, alpha, and normal maps (textures) for lookup in the Texture Manager. It also stores boolean variables, one for each map, and one for if the surface is transparent. Last, it stores three color variables, the diffuse color (4th channel being the alpha), the ambient color, and the specular color (4th channel being specular coefficient (specular power)) in case the maps for these color components were not specified. Finally, the TextureManager stores and array of shader resource views, and an array for each of their names. We keep track of the names so we do not load a texture more than once, wasting resources. The LoadObjModel() function takes in 7 parameters. The first parameter is a pointer to the device. The second is a string containing the filename of the obj model to load. the next three are pointers to the structures mentioned above. the last two are boolean variables, one for if the model was created in a right hand coordinate system, such as 3ds max or maya, and the other if normals should be computed or if normals defined in the file should be used instead. An ObjModel object should be created for each model you want to load in your scene. The other two structures, SurfaceMaterial and TextureManager, only need to be created once per scene, so all surfaces in your scene use these two objects. That way, you can easily keep track of your resources. Most likely you will have your own version of these already. In that case, you can either modify the LoadObjModel() function to take in your structures (if you even need to do that. If you are putting this function as a function in a class, you might have direct access to the classes members from this function, removing the need to pass in the structure pointers to it), or you can use these structures, and just copy their information into your own structures after they have been filled by the function. ####Using the Code#### This function was made using the XNA Math library, however, it should be VERY straightforward to modify it to use another library such as the D3DX, or even your own custom math library To use the code as it is, you will have to include these headers: #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <istream> #include <xnamath.h> #include <d3d11.h> #include <d3dx11.h> And these libraries (if not already included) #pragma comment(lib, "d3d11.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "d3dx11.lib") This function doesn't have to be directx 11, or even directx specific, it's just made that way here. The only part of this function that is directx specific, is loading the geometry into the vertex and index buffers at the very bottom of the function. To load a model, just use the following lines (as an example): if(!LoadObjModel(d3d11Device, L"ground.obj", groundModel, material, textureMgr, true, true, true)) return false; To draw the model, you will have to set the models vertex and index buffers, loop through each subset in the model, getting it's surface material id, and setting the correct surface information, such as sending it's texture to the shaders, or it's normal map if it has one. Then draw the INDEXED subset, so that the index offset is (SubsetIndexStart[n]) and the number of indices to draw is SubsetIndexStart[n+1] - SubsetIndexStart[n]. I almost forgot, the function expects a structure called "Vertex", which looks something like this: (or at least contains these members) struct Vertex { XMFLOAT3 pos; XMFLOAT2 texCoord; XMFLOAT3 normal; XMFLOAT3 tangent; XMFLOAT3 biTangent; }; ####Improvements#### This could probably be optimized. Please post any suggestions or comments you have about the function. ####Edits#### Shader groups now supported. Groups are created when "g" is specified, and also when "usemtl" is specified Face flipping is also supported now ##TextureManager Structure## // Texture manager structure, So all the textures are nice and grouped together struct TextureManager { std::vector<ID3D11ShaderResourceView*> TextureList; std::vector<std::wstring> TextureNameArray; // So we don't load in the same texture twice }; ##SurfaceMaterialStructure## // Create material structure struct SurfaceMaterial { std::wstring MatName; // So we can match the subset with it's material // Surface's colors XMFLOAT4 Diffuse; // Transparency (Alpha) stored in 4th component XMFLOAT3 Ambient; XMFLOAT4 Specular; // Specular power stored in 4th component // Texture ID's to look up texture in SRV array int DiffuseTextureID; int AmbientTextureID; int SpecularTextureID; int AlphaTextureID; int NormMapTextureID; // Booleans so we don't implement techniques we don't need bool HasDiffTexture; bool HasAmbientTexture; bool HasSpecularTexture; bool HasAlphaTexture; bool HasNormMap; bool IsTransparent; }; ##ObjModelStructure## // Model Structure struct ObjModel { int Subsets; // Number of subsets in obj model ID3D11Buffer* VertBuff; // Models vertex buffer ID3D11Buffer* IndexBuff; // Models index buffer std::vector<XMFLOAT3> Vertices; // Models vertex positions list std::vector<DWORD> Indices; // Models index list std::vector<int> SubsetIndexStart; // Subset's index offset std::vector<int> SubsetMaterialID; // Lookup ID for subsets surface material XMMATRIX World; // Models world matrix std::vector<XMFLOAT3> AABB; // Stores models AABB (min vertex, max vertex, and center) // Where AABB[0] is the min Vertex, and AABB[1] is the max vertex XMFLOAT3 Center; // True center of the model float BoundingSphere; // Model's bounding sphere }; ##LoadObjModel() Function## bool LoadObjModel(ID3D11Device* device, std::wstring Filename, ObjModel& Model, std::vector<SurfaceMaterial>& material, TextureManager& TexMgr, bool IsRHCoordSys, bool ComputeNormals, bool flipFaces) { HRESULT hr = 0; std::wifstream fileIn (Filename.c_str()); // Open file std::wstring meshMatLib; // String to hold our obj material library filename (model.mtl) // Arrays to store our model's information std::vector<DWORD> indices; std::vector<XMFLOAT3> vertPos; std::vector<XMFLOAT3> vertNorm; std::vector<XMFLOAT2> vertTexCoord; std::vector<std::wstring> meshMaterials; // Vertex definition indices std::vector<int> vertPosIndex; std::vector<int> vertNormIndex; std::vector<int> vertTCIndex; // Make sure we have a default if no tex coords or normals are defined bool hasTexCoord = false; bool hasNorm = false; // Temp variables to store into vectors std::wstring meshMaterialsTemp; int vertPosIndexTemp; int vertNormIndexTemp; int vertTCIndexTemp; wchar_t checkChar; // The variable we will use to store one char from file at a time std::wstring face; // Holds the string containing our face vertices int vIndex = 0; // Keep track of our vertex index count int triangleCount = 0; // Total Triangles int totalVerts = 0; int meshTriangles = 0; bool ang = false; //Check to see if the file was opened if (fileIn) { while(fileIn) { checkChar = fileIn.get(); //Get next char switch (checkChar) { // A comment. Skip rest of the line case '#': checkChar = fileIn.get(); while(checkChar != ' ') checkChar = fileIn.get(); break; // Get Vertex Descriptions; case 'v': checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == ' ') // v - vert position { float vz, vy, vx; fileIn >> vx >> vy >> vz; // Store the next three types if(IsRHCoordSys) // If model is from an RH Coord System vertPos.push_back(XMFLOAT3( vx, vy, vz * -1.0f)); // Invert the Z axis else vertPos.push_back(XMFLOAT3( vx, vy, vz)); } if(checkChar == 't') // vt - vert tex coords { float vtcu, vtcv; fileIn >> vtcu >> vtcv; // Store next two types if(IsRHCoordSys) // If model is from an RH Coord System vertTexCoord.push_back(XMFLOAT2(vtcu, 1.0f-vtcv)); // Reverse the "v" axis else vertTexCoord.push_back(XMFLOAT2(vtcu, vtcv)); hasTexCoord = true; // We know the model uses texture coords } if(checkChar == 'n') // vn - vert normal { float vnx, vny, vnz; fileIn >> vnx >> vny >> vnz; // Store next three types if(IsRHCoordSys) // If model is from an RH Coord System vertNorm.push_back(XMFLOAT3( vnx, vny, vnz * -1.0f )); // Invert the Z axis else vertNorm.push_back(XMFLOAT3( vnx, vny, vnz )); hasNorm = true; // We know the model defines normals } break; // New group (Subset) case 'g': // g - defines a group checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == ' ') { ang = true; Model.SubsetIndexStart.push_back(vIndex); // Start index for this subset Model.Subsets++; } break; // Get Face Index case 'f': // f - defines the faces checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == ' ') { face = L""; // Holds all vertex definitions for the face (eg. "111 222 333") std::wstring VertDef; // Holds one vertex definition at a time (eg. "111") triangleCount = 0; // Keep track of the triangles for this face, since we will have to // "retriangulate" faces with more than 3 sides checkChar = fileIn.get(); while(checkChar != ' ') { face += checkChar; // Add the char to our face string checkChar = fileIn.get(); // Get the next Character if(checkChar == ' ') // If its a space... triangleCount++; // Increase our triangle count } // Check for space at the end of our face string if(face[face.length()-1] == ' ') triangleCount--; // Each space adds to our triangle count triangleCount -= 1; // Ever vertex in the face AFTER the first two are new faces std::wstringstream ss(face); if(face.length() > 0) { int firstVIndex, lastVIndex; // Holds the first and last vertice's index for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) // First three vertices (first triangle) { ss >> VertDef; // Get vertex definition (vPos/vTexCoord/vNorm) std::wstring vertPart; int whichPart = 0; // (vPos, vTexCoord, or vNorm) // Parse this string for(int j = 0; j < VertDef.length(); ++j) { if(VertDef[j] != '/') // If there is no divider "/", add a char to our vertPart vertPart += VertDef[j]; // If the current char is a divider "/", or its the last character in the string if(VertDef[j] == '/' || j == VertDef.length()-1) { std::wistringstream wstringToInt(vertPart); // Used to convert wstring to int if(whichPart == 0) // If it's the vPos { wstringToInt >> vertPosIndexTemp; vertPosIndexTemp -= 1; // subtract one since c++ arrays start with 0, and obj start with 1 // Check to see if the vert pos was the only thing specified if(j == VertDef.length()-1) { vertNormIndexTemp = 0; vertTCIndexTemp = 0; } } else if(whichPart == 1) // If vTexCoord { if(vertPart != L"") // Check to see if there even is a tex coord { wstringToInt >> vertTCIndexTemp; vertTCIndexTemp -= 1; // subtract one since c++ arrays start with 0, and obj start with 1 } else // If there is no tex coord, make a default vertTCIndexTemp = 0; // If the cur. char is the second to last in the string, then // there must be no normal, so set a default normal if(j == VertDef.length()-1) vertNormIndexTemp = 0; } else if(whichPart == 2) // If vNorm { std::wistringstream wstringToInt(vertPart); wstringToInt >> vertNormIndexTemp; vertNormIndexTemp -= 1; // subtract one since c++ arrays start with 0, and obj start with 1 } vertPart = L""; // Get ready for next vertex part whichPart++; // Move on to next vertex part } } // Check to make sure there is at least one subset if(Model.Subsets == 0) { Model.SubsetIndexStart.push_back(vIndex); // Start index for this subset Model.Subsets++; } // Avoid duplicate vertices bool vertAlreadyExists = false; if(totalVerts >= 3) // Make sure we at least have one triangle to check { // Loop through all the vertices for(int iCheck = 0; iCheck < totalVerts; ++iCheck) { // If the vertex position and texture coordinate in memory are the same // As the vertex position and texture coordinate we just now got out // of the obj file, we will set this faces vertex index to the vertex's // index value in memory. This makes sure we don't create duplicate vertices if(vertPosIndexTemp == vertPosIndex[iCheck] && !vertAlreadyExists) { if(vertTCIndexTemp == vertTCIndex[iCheck]) { Model.Indices.push_back(iCheck); // Set index for this vertex vertAlreadyExists = true; // If we've made it here, the vertex already exists } } } } // If this vertex is not already in our vertex arrays, put it there if(!vertAlreadyExists) { vertPosIndex.push_back(vertPosIndexTemp); vertTCIndex.push_back(vertTCIndexTemp); vertNormIndex.push_back(vertNormIndexTemp); totalVerts++; // We created a new vertex Model.Indices.push_back(totalVerts-1); // Set index for this vertex } // If this is the very first vertex in the face, we need to // make sure the rest of the triangles use this vertex if(i == 0) { firstVIndex = Model.Indices[vIndex]; //The first vertex index of this FACE } // If this was the last vertex in the first triangle, we will make sure // the next triangle uses this one (eg. tri1(1,2,3) tri2(1,3,4) tri3(1,4,5)) if(i == 2) { lastVIndex = Model.Indices[vIndex]; // The last vertex index of this TRIANGLE } vIndex++; // Increment index count } meshTriangles++; // One triangle down // If there are more than three vertices in the face definition, we need to make sure // we convert the face to triangles. We created our first triangle above, now we will // create a new triangle for every new vertex in the face, using the very first vertex // of the face, and the last vertex from the triangle before the current triangle for(int l = 0; l < triangleCount-1; ++l) // Loop through the next vertices to create new triangles { // First vertex of this triangle (the very first vertex of the face too) Model.Indices.push_back(firstVIndex); // Set index for this vertex vIndex++; // Second Vertex of this triangle (the last vertex used in the tri before this one) Model.Indices.push_back(lastVIndex); // Set index for this vertex vIndex++; // Get the third vertex for this triangle ss >> VertDef; std::wstring vertPart; int whichPart = 0; // Parse this string (same as above) for(int j = 0; j < VertDef.length(); ++j) { if(VertDef[j] != '/') vertPart += VertDef[j]; if(VertDef[j] == '/' || j == VertDef.length()-1) { std::wistringstream wstringToInt(vertPart); if(whichPart == 0) { wstringToInt >> vertPosIndexTemp; vertPosIndexTemp -= 1; // Check to see if the vert pos was the only thing specified if(j == VertDef.length()-1) { vertTCIndexTemp = 0; vertNormIndexTemp = 0; } } else if(whichPart == 1) { if(vertPart != L"") { wstringToInt >> vertTCIndexTemp; vertTCIndexTemp -= 1; } else vertTCIndexTemp = 0; if(j == VertDef.length()-1) vertNormIndexTemp = 0; } else if(whichPart == 2) { std::wistringstream wstringToInt(vertPart); wstringToInt >> vertNormIndexTemp; vertNormIndexTemp -= 1; } vertPart = L""; whichPart++; } } // Check for duplicate vertices bool vertAlreadyExists = false; if(totalVerts >= 3) // Make sure we at least have one triangle to check { for(int iCheck = 0; iCheck < totalVerts; ++iCheck) { if(vertPosIndexTemp == vertPosIndex[iCheck] && !vertAlreadyExists) { if(vertTCIndexTemp == vertTCIndex[iCheck]) { Model.Indices.push_back(iCheck); // Set index for this vertex vertAlreadyExists = true; // If we've made it here, the vertex already exists } } } } if(!vertAlreadyExists) { vertPosIndex.push_back(vertPosIndexTemp); vertTCIndex.push_back(vertTCIndexTemp); vertNormIndex.push_back(vertNormIndexTemp); totalVerts++; // New vertex created, add to total verts Model.Indices.push_back(totalVerts-1); // Set index for this vertex } // Set the second vertex for the next triangle to the last vertex we got lastVIndex = Model.Indices[vIndex]; // The last vertex index of this TRIANGLE meshTriangles++; // New triangle defined vIndex++; } } } break; case 'm': // mtllib - material library filename checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 't') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'l') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'l') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'i') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'b') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == ' ') { // Store the material libraries file name fileIn >> meshMatLib; } } } } } } break; case 'u': // usemtl - which material to use checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 's') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'e') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'm') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 't') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'l') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == ' ') { meshMaterialsTemp = L""; // Make sure this is cleared fileIn >> meshMaterialsTemp; // Get next type (string) meshMaterials.push_back(meshMaterialsTemp); if(!ang) { Model.SubsetIndexStart.push_back(vIndex); // Start index for this subset Model.Subsets++; } ang = false; } } } } } } break; default: break; } } } else // If we could not open the file { SwapChain->SetFullscreenState(false, NULL); // Make sure we are out of fullscreen // create message std::wstring message = L"Could not open: "; message += Filename; MessageBox(0, message.c_str(), // Display message L"Error", MB_OK); return false; } Model.SubsetIndexStart.push_back(vIndex); // There won't be another index start after our last subset, so set it here // sometimes "g" is defined at the very top of the file, then again before the first group of faces. // This makes sure the first subset does not conatain "0" indices. if(Model.SubsetIndexStart[1] == 0) { Model.SubsetIndexStart.erase(Model.SubsetIndexStart.begin()+1); Model.Subsets--; } // Make sure we have a default for the tex coord and normal // if one or both are not specified if(!hasNorm) vertNorm.push_back(XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); if(!hasTexCoord) vertTexCoord.push_back(XMFLOAT2(0.0f, 0.0f)); // Close the obj file, and open the mtl file fileIn.close(); fileIn.open(meshMatLib.c_str()); std::wstring lastStringRead; int matCount = material.size(); // Total materials if (fileIn) { while(fileIn) { checkChar = fileIn.get(); // Get next char switch (checkChar) { // Check for comment case '#': checkChar = fileIn.get(); while(checkChar != ' ') checkChar = fileIn.get(); break; // Set the colors case 'K': checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'd') // Diffuse Color { checkChar = fileIn.get(); // Remove space fileIn >> material[matCount-1].Diffuse.x; fileIn >> material[matCount-1].Diffuse.y; fileIn >> material[matCount-1].Diffuse.z; } if(checkChar == 'a') // Ambient Color { checkChar = fileIn.get(); // Remove space fileIn >> material[matCount-1].Ambient.x; fileIn >> material[matCount-1].Ambient.y; fileIn >> material[matCount-1].Ambient.z; } if(checkChar == 's') // Ambient Color { checkChar = fileIn.get(); // Remove space fileIn >> material[matCount-1].Specular.x; fileIn >> material[matCount-1].Specular.y; fileIn >> material[matCount-1].Specular.z; } break; case 'N': checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 's') // Specular Power (Coefficient) { checkChar = fileIn.get(); // Remove space fileIn >> material[matCount-1].Specular.w; } break; // Check for transparency case 'T': checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'r') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); // Remove space float Transparency; fileIn >> Transparency; material[matCount-1].Diffuse.w = Transparency; if(Transparency > 0.0f) material[matCount-1].IsTransparent = true; } break; // Some obj files specify d for transparency case 'd': checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == ' ') { float Transparency; fileIn >> Transparency; // 'd' - 0 being most transparent, and 1 being opaque, opposite of Tr Transparency = 1.0f - Transparency; material[matCount-1].Diffuse.w = Transparency; if(Transparency > 0.0f) material[matCount-1].IsTransparent = true; } break; // Get the diffuse map (texture) case 'm': checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'a') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'p') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == '_') { // map_Kd - Diffuse map checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'K') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'd') { std::wstring fileNamePath; fileIn.get(); // Remove whitespace between map_Kd and file // Get the file path - We read the pathname char by char since // pathnames can sometimes contain spaces, so we will read until // we find the file extension bool texFilePathEnd = false; while(!texFilePathEnd) { checkChar = fileIn.get(); fileNamePath += checkChar; if(checkChar == '.') { for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) fileNamePath += fileIn.get(); texFilePathEnd = true; } } //check if this texture has already been loaded bool alreadyLoaded = false; for(int i = 0; i < TexMgr.TextureNameArray.size(); ++i) { if(fileNamePath == TexMgr.TextureNameArray[i]) { alreadyLoaded = true; material[matCount-1].DiffuseTextureID = i; material[matCount-1].HasDiffTexture = true; } } //if the texture is not already loaded, load it now if(!alreadyLoaded) { ID3D11ShaderResourceView* tempSRV; hr = D3DX11CreateShaderResourceViewFromFile( device, fileNamePath.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &tempSRV, NULL ); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TexMgr.TextureNameArray.push_back(fileNamePath.c_str()); material[matCount-1].DiffuseTextureID = TexMgr.TextureList.size(); TexMgr.TextureList.push_back(tempSRV); material[matCount-1].HasDiffTexture = true; } } } // Get Ambient Map (texture) if(checkChar == 'a') { std::wstring fileNamePath; fileIn.get(); // Remove whitespace between map_Kd and file // Get the file path - We read the pathname char by char since // pathnames can sometimes contain spaces, so we will read until // we find the file extension bool texFilePathEnd = false; while(!texFilePathEnd) { checkChar = fileIn.get(); fileNamePath += checkChar; if(checkChar == '.') { for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) fileNamePath += fileIn.get(); texFilePathEnd = true; } } //check if this texture has already been loaded bool alreadyLoaded = false; for(int i = 0; i < TexMgr.TextureNameArray.size(); ++i) { if(fileNamePath == TexMgr.TextureNameArray[i]) { alreadyLoaded = true; material[matCount-1].AmbientTextureID = i; material[matCount-1].HasAmbientTexture = true; } } //if the texture is not already loaded, load it now if(!alreadyLoaded) { ID3D11ShaderResourceView* tempSRV; hr = D3DX11CreateShaderResourceViewFromFile( device, fileNamePath.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &tempSRV, NULL ); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TexMgr.TextureNameArray.push_back(fileNamePath.c_str()); material[matCount-1].AmbientTextureID = TexMgr.TextureList.size(); TexMgr.TextureList.push_back(tempSRV); material[matCount-1].HasAmbientTexture = true; } } } // Get Specular Map (texture) if(checkChar == 's') { std::wstring fileNamePath; fileIn.get(); // Remove whitespace between map_Ks and file // Get the file path - We read the pathname char by char since // pathnames can sometimes contain spaces, so we will read until // we find the file extension bool texFilePathEnd = false; while(!texFilePathEnd) { checkChar = fileIn.get(); fileNamePath += checkChar; if(checkChar == '.') { for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) fileNamePath += fileIn.get(); texFilePathEnd = true; } } //check if this texture has already been loaded bool alreadyLoaded = false; for(int i = 0; i < TexMgr.TextureNameArray.size(); ++i) { if(fileNamePath == TexMgr.TextureNameArray[i]) { alreadyLoaded = true; material[matCount-1].SpecularTextureID = i; material[matCount-1].HasSpecularTexture = true; } } //if the texture is not already loaded, load it now if(!alreadyLoaded) { ID3D11ShaderResourceView* tempSRV; hr = D3DX11CreateShaderResourceViewFromFile( device, fileNamePath.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &tempSRV, NULL ); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TexMgr.TextureNameArray.push_back(fileNamePath.c_str()); material[matCount-1].SpecularTextureID = TexMgr.TextureList.size(); TexMgr.TextureList.push_back(tempSRV); material[matCount-1].HasSpecularTexture = true; } } } } //map_d - alpha map else if(checkChar == 'd') { std::wstring fileNamePath; fileIn.get(); // Remove whitespace between map_Ks and file // Get the file path - We read the pathname char by char since // pathnames can sometimes contain spaces, so we will read until // we find the file extension bool texFilePathEnd = false; while(!texFilePathEnd) { checkChar = fileIn.get(); fileNamePath += checkChar; if(checkChar == '.') { for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) fileNamePath += fileIn.get(); texFilePathEnd = true; } } //check if this texture has already been loaded bool alreadyLoaded = false; for(int i = 0; i < TexMgr.TextureNameArray.size(); ++i) { if(fileNamePath == TexMgr.TextureNameArray[i]) { alreadyLoaded = true; material[matCount-1].AlphaTextureID = i; material[matCount-1].IsTransparent = true; } } //if the texture is not already loaded, load it now if(!alreadyLoaded) { ID3D11ShaderResourceView* tempSRV; hr = D3DX11CreateShaderResourceViewFromFile( device, fileNamePath.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &tempSRV, NULL ); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TexMgr.TextureNameArray.push_back(fileNamePath.c_str()); material[matCount-1].AlphaTextureID = TexMgr.TextureList.size(); TexMgr.TextureList.push_back(tempSRV); material[matCount-1].IsTransparent = true; } } } // map_bump - bump map (Normal Map) else if(checkChar == 'b') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'u') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'm') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'p') { std::wstring fileNamePath; fileIn.get(); // Remove whitespace between map_bump and file // Get the file path - We read the pathname char by char since // pathnames can sometimes contain spaces, so we will read until // we find the file extension bool texFilePathEnd = false; while(!texFilePathEnd) { checkChar = fileIn.get(); fileNamePath += checkChar; if(checkChar == '.') { for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) fileNamePath += fileIn.get(); texFilePathEnd = true; } } //check if this texture has already been loaded bool alreadyLoaded = false; for(int i = 0; i < TexMgr.TextureNameArray.size(); ++i) { if(fileNamePath == TexMgr.TextureNameArray[i]) { alreadyLoaded = true; material[matCount-1].NormMapTextureID = i; material[matCount-1].HasNormMap = true; } } //if the texture is not already loaded, load it now if(!alreadyLoaded) { ID3D11ShaderResourceView* tempSRV; hr = D3DX11CreateShaderResourceViewFromFile( device, fileNamePath.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &tempSRV, NULL ); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TexMgr.TextureNameArray.push_back(fileNamePath.c_str()); material[matCount-1].NormMapTextureID = TexMgr.TextureList.size(); TexMgr.TextureList.push_back(tempSRV); material[matCount-1].HasNormMap = true; } } } } } } } } } break; case 'n': // newmtl - Declare new material checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'e') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'w') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'm') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 't') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == 'l') { checkChar = fileIn.get(); if(checkChar == ' ') { // New material, set its defaults SurfaceMaterial tempMat; material.push_back(tempMat); fileIn >> material[matCount].MatName; material[matCount].IsTransparent = false; material[matCount].HasDiffTexture = false; material[matCount].HasAmbientTexture = false; material[matCount].HasSpecularTexture = false; material[matCount].HasAlphaTexture = false; material[matCount].HasNormMap = false; material[matCount].NormMapTextureID = 0; material[matCount].DiffuseTextureID = 0; material[matCount].AlphaTextureID = 0; material[matCount].SpecularTextureID = 0; material[matCount].AmbientTextureID = 0; material[matCount].Specular = XMFLOAT4(0,0,0,0); material[matCount].Ambient = XMFLOAT3(0,0,0); material[matCount].Diffuse = XMFLOAT4(0,0,0,0); matCount++; } } } } } } break; default: break; } } } else // If we could not open the material library { SwapChain->SetFullscreenState(false, NULL); // Make sure we are out of fullscreen std::wstring message = L"Could not open: "; message += meshMatLib; MessageBox(0, message.c_str(), L"Error", MB_OK); return false; } // Set the subsets material to the index value // of the its material in our material array for(int i = 0; i < Model.Subsets; ++i) { bool hasMat = false; for(int j = 0; j < material.size(); ++j) { if(meshMaterials[i] == material[j].MatName) { Model.SubsetMaterialID.push_back(j); hasMat = true; } } if(!hasMat) Model.SubsetMaterialID.push_back(0); // Use first material in array } std::vector<Vertex> vertices; Vertex tempVert; // Create our vertices using the information we got // from the file and store them in a vector for(int j = 0 ; j < totalVerts; ++j) { tempVert.pos = vertPos[vertPosIndex[j]]; tempVert.normal = vertNorm[vertNormIndex[j]]; tempVert.texCoord = vertTexCoord[vertTCIndex[j]]; vertices.push_back(tempVert); Model.Vertices.push_back(tempVert.pos); } //If computeNormals was set to true then we will create our own //normals, if it was set to false we will use the obj files normals if(ComputeNormals) { std::vector<XMFLOAT3> tempNormal; //normalized and unnormalized normals XMFLOAT3 unnormalized = XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //tangent stuff std::vector<XMFLOAT3> tempTangent; XMFLOAT3 tangent = XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float tcU1, tcV1, tcU2, tcV2; //Used to get vectors (sides) from the position of the verts float vecX, vecY, vecZ; //Two edges of our triangle XMVECTOR edge1 = XMVectorSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); XMVECTOR edge2 = XMVectorSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //Compute face normals //And Tangents for(int i = 0; i < meshTriangles; ++i) { //Get the vector describing one edge of our triangle (edge 0,2) vecX = vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)]].pos.x - vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+2]].pos.x; vecY = vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)]].pos.y - vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+2]].pos.y; vecZ = vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)]].pos.z - vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+2]].pos.z; edge1 = XMVectorSet(vecX, vecY, vecZ, 0.0f); //Create our first edge //Get the vector describing another edge of our triangle (edge 2,1) vecX = vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+2]].pos.x - vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+1]].pos.x; vecY = vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+2]].pos.y - vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+1]].pos.y; vecZ = vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+2]].pos.z - vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+1]].pos.z; edge2 = XMVectorSet(vecX, vecY, vecZ, 0.0f); //Create our second edge //Cross multiply the two edge vectors to get the un-normalized face normal XMStoreFloat3(&unnormalized, XMVector3Cross(edge1, edge2)); tempNormal.push_back(unnormalized); //Find first texture coordinate edge 2d vector tcU1 = vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)]].texCoord.x - vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+2]].texCoord.x; tcV1 = vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)]].texCoord.y - vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+2]].texCoord.y; //Find second texture coordinate edge 2d vector tcU2 = vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+2]].texCoord.x - vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+1]].texCoord.x; tcV2 = vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+2]].texCoord.y - vertices[Model.Indices[(i*3)+1]].texCoord.y; //Find tangent using both tex coord edges and position edges tangent.x = (tcV1 * XMVectorGetX(edge1) - tcV2 * XMVectorGetX(edge2)) * (1.0f / (tcU1 * tcV2 - tcU2 * tcV1)); tangent.y = (tcV1 * XMVectorGetY(edge1) - tcV2 * XMVectorGetY(edge2)) * (1.0f / (tcU1 * tcV2 - tcU2 * tcV1)); tangent.z = (tcV1 * XMVectorGetZ(edge1) - tcV2 * XMVectorGetZ(edge2)) * (1.0f / (tcU1 * tcV2 - tcU2 * tcV1)); tempTangent.push_back(tangent); } //Compute vertex normals (normal Averaging) XMVECTOR normalSum = XMVectorSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); XMVECTOR tangentSum = XMVectorSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); int facesUsing = 0; float tX, tY, tZ; //temp axis variables //Go through each vertex for(int i = 0; i < totalVerts; ++i) { //Check which triangles use this vertex for(int j = 0; j < meshTriangles; ++j) { if(Model.Indices[j*3] == i || Model.Indices[(j*3)+1] == i || Model.Indices[(j*3)+2] == i) { tX = XMVectorGetX(normalSum) + tempNormal[j].x; tY = XMVectorGetY(normalSum) + tempNormal[j].y; tZ = XMVectorGetZ(normalSum) + tempNormal[j].z; normalSum = XMVectorSet(tX, tY, tZ, 0.0f); //If a face is using the vertex, add the unormalized face normal to the normalSum //We can reuse tX, tY, tZ to sum up tangents tX = XMVectorGetX(tangentSum) + tempTangent[j].x; tY = XMVectorGetY(tangentSum) + tempTangent[j].y; tZ = XMVectorGetZ(tangentSum) + tempTangent[j].z; tangentSum = XMVectorSet(tX, tY, tZ, 0.0f); //sum up face tangents using this vertex facesUsing++; } } //Get the actual normal by dividing the normalSum by the number of faces sharing the vertex normalSum = normalSum / facesUsing; tangentSum = tangentSum / facesUsing; //Normalize the normalSum vector and tangent normalSum = XMVector3Normalize(normalSum); tangentSum = XMVector3Normalize(tangentSum); //Store the normal and tangent in our current vertex vertices[i].normal.x = XMVectorGetX(normalSum); vertices[i].normal.y = XMVectorGetY(normalSum); vertices[i].normal.z = XMVectorGetZ(normalSum); vertices[i].tangent.x = XMVectorGetX(tangentSum); vertices[i].tangent.y = XMVectorGetY(tangentSum); vertices[i].tangent.z = XMVectorGetZ(tangentSum); //Clear normalSum, tangentSum and facesUsing for next vertex normalSum = XMVectorSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); tangentSum = XMVectorSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); facesUsing = 0; } } // Create Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (AABB) XMFLOAT3 minVertex = XMFLOAT3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX); XMFLOAT3 maxVertex = XMFLOAT3(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); Model.BoundingSphere = 0; for(UINT i = 0; i < Model.Vertices.size(); i++) { // The minVertex and maxVertex will most likely not be actual vertices in the model, but vertices // that use the smallest and largest x, y, and z values from the model to be sure ALL vertices are // covered by the bounding volume //Get the smallest vertex minVertex.x = min(minVertex.x, Model.Vertices[i].x); // Find smallest x value in model minVertex.y = min(minVertex.y, Model.Vertices[i].y); // Find smallest y value in model minVertex.z = min(minVertex.z, Model.Vertices[i].z); // Find smallest z value in model //Get the largest vertex maxVertex.x = max(maxVertex.x, Model.Vertices[i].x); // Find largest x value in model maxVertex.y = max(maxVertex.y, Model.Vertices[i].y); // Find largest y value in model maxVertex.z = max(maxVertex.z, Model.Vertices[i].z); // Find largest z value in model } // Our AABB [0] is the min vertex and [1] is the max Model.AABB.push_back(minVertex); Model.AABB.push_back(maxVertex); // Get models true center Model.Center.x = maxVertex.x - minVertex.x / 2.0f; Model.Center.y = maxVertex.y - minVertex.y / 2.0f; Model.Center.z = maxVertex.z - minVertex.z / 2.0f; // Now that we have the center, get the bounding sphere for(UINT i = 0; i < Model.Vertices.size(); i++) { float x = (Model.Center.x - Model.Vertices[i].x) * (Model.Center.x - Model.Vertices[i].x); float y = (Model.Center.y - Model.Vertices[i].y) * (Model.Center.y - Model.Vertices[i].y); float z = (Model.Center.z - Model.Vertices[i].z) * (Model.Center.z - Model.Vertices[i].z); // Get models bounding sphere Model.BoundingSphere = max(Model.BoundingSphere, (x+y+z)); } // We didn't use the square root when finding the largest distance since it slows things down. // We can square root the answer from above to get the actual bounding sphere now Model.BoundingSphere = sqrt(Model.BoundingSphere); // flip faces if(flipFaces) { for(int i = 0; i < Model.Indices.size(); i+=3) { DWORD ti0 = Model.Indices[i]; Model.Indices[i] = Model.Indices[i+2]; Model.Indices[i+2] = ti0; } } //Create index buffer D3D11_BUFFER_DESC indexBufferDesc; ZeroMemory( &indexBufferDesc, sizeof(indexBufferDesc) ); indexBufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; indexBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(DWORD) * meshTriangles*3; indexBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER; indexBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; indexBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0; D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA iinitData; iinitData.pSysMem = &Model.Indices[0]; device->CreateBuffer(&indexBufferDesc, &iinitData, &Model.IndexBuff); //Create Vertex Buffer D3D11_BUFFER_DESC vertexBufferDesc; ZeroMemory( &vertexBufferDesc, sizeof(vertexBufferDesc) ); vertexBufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; vertexBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof( Vertex ) * totalVerts; vertexBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER; vertexBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; vertexBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0; D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA vertexBufferData; ZeroMemory( &vertexBufferData, sizeof(vertexBufferData) ); vertexBufferData.pSysMem = &vertices[0]; hr = device->CreateBuffer( &vertexBufferDesc, &vertexBufferData, &Model.VertBuff); return true; }
By doing this way you're using more RAM and lowering the performance. The best way to do it is by using obj converter to .txt file. Like one of these : http://www.rastertek.com/dx11tut08.html and then just load it by using couple of lines of code. Good tutorial anyway.
on Jun 28 `16
I need to update this code anyway using a stringstream instead. Obj files are really only used for testing and storage. it's of course always better to convert them into a format thats more ready for your game. This tutorial was how to load obj files, not to convert them though. Also, if you look at his tutorial, you'll see that you'll end up with a lot of duplicate vertices
on Jun 28 `16
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