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S01E01 - Setting Environment

Setting Visual Studio 2017

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##Hello there :)## As this is the first post of this series will talk a bit how to set up our environment for our development. This setup is quite easy and will not require from us many work but we will set up a new configuration on which we will be working. First of all let's create a folder which will contain all of our Framework/Engine (call it as you want) files. I have a another Drive for that purpose So I use my path: S:\Engine Set it up in Property Manager +[][Properties] +[][VS_Directories] and it will be included in all new projects so modify it for Debug and Release x64 configurations. If you like you can change there some other properties which will have a impact on all of your project created in the future. We will set here one more thing: +[][DPI Awareness] This setting allow us to get proper values of window when we start using mouse. I'll look into this to show you how impact this option has for our window whaen we're gonna talk about mouse. It can be set via cpp file or via manifest like this window. !!CAUTION!! Everytime you modify some software settings backup its original config files. These are in: C:Users%UserName%AppDataLocalMicrosoftMSBuildv4.0 If you have a fresh installation of VS2017, checked Windows 8(.1) SDK and it can't find you include directory it is because the main SDK is set for earlier version of Windows which doesn't contain DirectX12 files. Just Right mouse button on solution name and select Retarget Solution which will select demanded SDK on all projects in this solution. I will post everytime source files which need to be copied to your chosen folder, a project folder which will contain only sources for that project, an exe file and Data folder. That Data folder will have all the files we will be using as a common data since many projects will be using the same data, but it will be explained when the time will come. When Starting a new Project I chose Windows Desktop Wizard select: +[][Project Creator] Drop a folder with our sources (which we don't have them yet), select x64 build and am ready to write :) Everything that will be written here is my version of building software. I am using sometimes easier way and slower way, some of those will be rewritten in future posts when we implement time to see how much time it takes to render/update things and what can we done to make it faster and how to implement it in this engine. Don't expect that this will be high professional stuff like CryTec, Unreal or Unity. I only show you one of many ways how to make some stuff, sometimes pointing this out that this is one of many ways, so don't as why I have done that way and not another which is more efficient or faster. So if everything is clear now let's start our journey :)