This tutorial is part of a Collection: OpenGL Tutorials

01. Introduction to OpenGL
OpenGL (Openg Graphics Library)is a cross-language, cross-platform API (application programming interface) for rendering 2D and 3D vector graphics
##OpenGL## Before we start creating awesome applications with awesome graphics we should first define what OpenGL is. It is mainly considered an API (****Application Programming Interface****) that provides us with a large set of functions that we can use to manipulate graphics and images. It is being developed and maintained by the ****Khronos Group****. In the old days, using OpenGL meant developing in immediate mode also referred to as the ****fixed function pipeline**** which was an easy to use method for drawing graphics. Most of OpenGL functionality was hidden in the library and developers did not have much freedom at how OpenGL does its calculations. Even though the immediate mode was easy to learn it was extreamely inefficient. There is also OpenGL core-profile mode which is very flexible and efficient, but unfortunately is also more difficult to learn. In this tutorial series we will be using core-profile mode.
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